Primary Classroom News

Foundation A

Term Four has been flying by. The children have all settled back into school. It has been wonderful to be able to have conversations that do not involve a mute button. It has been lovely to see how bonded the children have become with their classmates. Despite having spent more time together on Zoom than in a classroom they have become fabulous friends. Now that restrictions have begun to ease, I would encourage parents to try and organise some face to face playdates. Meeting in a park from time to time would be a wonderful thing to do.

In class the children have been listening o books by Bob Graham. His stories encourage thoughtful conversations. ‘A Bus Called Heaven’ describes the bus in the story as being ‘as sad as a whale on a beach’. We discussed the simile and looked at pictures of the whales recently beached in Tasmania. The children realised that being in the wrong place had sad consequences for the whales. We noticed that in the book, being left in the wrong place also had potentially sad consequences for the old bus that almost ended up in a crushing machine. The children had a go at writing their own similes.

Ms Jennifer Temple
[email protected]